Artemia Shelless Brine shrimp eggs. The shrimp eggs are exposed to a special de-capsulation process which removes all disease organisms and parasites. Fast hatching rate and produces a higher yield of shrimps....
Parasticide Treats fish lice, anchor worm, gill maggots and other crustacean parasites / predators. • Treats Fish Lice, Anchor Worm, Gill Maggots and other crustacean parasites / predators. • Only...
Parasticide For the control of gill and body parasites. • For the control of gill and body parasites. • Controls internal parasites such as Round Worm, Thread Worm and intestinal...
Protozoacide and fungicide. For effective control of protozoan parasites e.g. whitespot, velvet, costiasis and trichodiniasis. • Also treats fungus. • Do not use with rays, Mormyrids, crustaceans, molluscs or related...