Boraras brigittae (Mosquito/Chili Rasbora) Background: Boraras brigittae, commonly known as Mosquito or Chili Rasbora, is a vibrant freshwater species native to the peat swamps of Indonesia. Renowned for their vivid...
Background: The Glowlight Rasbora, scientifically known as Trigonostigma hengeli, is a small and elegant freshwater fish native to the slow-moving streams and peat swamps of Southeast Asia, particularly in Indonesia,...
Celestichthys erythromicron (Emerald Dwarf Rasbora) Background: Celestichthys erythromicron, commonly known as the Emerald Dwarf Rasbora, is a striking nano fish native to the freshwater lakes of Myanmar, particularly Lake Inle....
Rasbora borapentensis - Redtail Rasbora The Redtail Rasbora (Rasbora borapentensis) is a captivating and vibrant freshwater fish native to the clear, slow-moving streams and rivers of Southeast Asia, particularly found...