Welcome to our aquatic community, where the vibrant and enchanting Iriantherina warneri, commonly known as Rainbow Threadfin or Threadfin Rainbow, takes center stage. These stunning fish bring a burst of...
The Glowlight Danio, scientifically named Danio choprae, is a vibrant and captivating fish species native to Myanmar. Renowned for its striking appearance and peaceful demeanor, it is a popular choice...
Pseudomugil furcatus (Forktail Blue-eye) Overview: Pseudomugil furcatus, commonly known as the Forktail Blue-eye, is a striking freshwater fish native to Papua New Guinea. This species is highly sought after by...
Badis badis (The Blue Perch) Background: Badis badis, commonly known as the Blue Perch or Dwarf Badis, is a striking freshwater species known for its vibrant coloration and peaceful demeanor....
Corydoras trilineatus (Three Stripe Corydoras) Background: Corydoras trilineatus, commonly known as the Three Stripe Corydoras, is a popular and hardy freshwater catfish species originating from the slow-moving rivers and streams...