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Red Taiwan Bee
Red Taiwan Bee
Red Taiwan Bee
Red Taiwan Bee
Red Taiwan Bee
Red Taiwan Bee
Red Taiwan Bee
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  • SKU: KK200100
  • Availability: Out of stock

Red Taiwan Bee

R 349.99
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Red Taiwan Bees are a shrimp variety appreciated by aquarists for their bright coloration. Although they definitely aren't the easiest dwarf shrimp to keep they are worth a try for the more experienced shrimp keeper. With the right care, they can thrive and be a real eyecatcher in any shrimp collection.

Keep reading for everything you need to know about Taiwan Bee shrimp and keeping Taiwan Bee shrimp in your own aquarium!

Scientific Name: Caridina cantonensis

Care Level: Medium

Breeding: Medium

Please note: All shrimps are sold as juveniles at 1cm and up.


In order to keep your Taiwan Bee shrimp healthy, water quality should always be high. Any traces of ammonia or nitrite can be deadly, so check your water values very regularly using a liquid test kit to verify the cycle is still stable. Stay on top of your water changes, as nitrates can also damage the shrimp in higher quantities. Be sure to match the new water to the old and don't change too much water at a time.

In short: water quality and stability is everything. Keep it in mind at all times if you want your Black King Kongs to thrive.

Water Parameters

PH Range: 6 - 7.5

Temperature Range: 18 - 24 Degrees Celsius

GH Range: 4 - 7

KH Range: 0 - 3

TDS: 80 - 150

Please note: TDS should only ever be used as a reference when re-mineralizing RO water.


When it comes to dwarf shrimp, always be careful with tankmates, especially if you're looking to breed. Almost all fish species have an appetite for (baby) shrimp so it's a good idea to stick to just peaceful inverts. If you really want to keep the bioload low (and water quality high), just avoid all risks and go for a shrimp-only setup. This especially applies to the more expensive and rare types like Taiwan Bees, you just don't want to lose any!


Keep in mind that many Caridina shrimp varieties do interbreed.


All aquarium shrimp naturally feed on biofilm that grows on rocks and other surfaces. In the aquarium, their diet should be supplemented with high-quality shrimp food. To add some extra variety you can also feed things like freshly blanched vegetables, frozen foods, and much more, although Taiwan Bees are often said to be a little picky when it comes to food.

Be sure to remove any uneaten foods from the aquarium after a few hours to avoid issues with your water quality.


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