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Paracheirodon simulans (Green Neon Tetra)
  • SKU: 10162
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Paracheirodon simulans (Green Neon Tetra)

R 38.25 R 45.00
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The Green Neon Tetra, Paracheirodon simulans, is a striking freshwater fish native to the blackwater rivers and tributaries of the Amazon Basin in South America. Slightly smaller and more delicate than its better-known relatives, the Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) and Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi), this species features a shimmering green-blue iridescent stripe that runs along its body, complemented by a subtle red hue near the tail. Growing to a maximum size of 2.5–3 cm, the Green Neon Tetra is an elegant, schooling fish that thrives in well-maintained, peaceful aquariums.

Care Requirements:

  • Water Parameters:

    • Temperature: 23–27°C
    • pH: 4.0–6.5
    • Hardness: 1–8 dGH
  • Diet:
    Green Neon Tetras are omnivores with a preference for high-quality micro pellets, flakes, and live or frozen foods like daphnia, baby brine shrimp, and cyclops. Their small size requires finely crushed food, and feeding them twice daily in small amounts is optimal to avoid waste buildup.

  • Tank Setup:
    A minimum tank size of 40 liters is suitable for a group of 8–10 individuals, with larger groups being preferable for their social nature. Use a dark, sandy substrate to enhance their iridescent coloration and replicate their natural environment. A densely planted tank with driftwood, leaf litter, and floating plants provides security and mimics their blackwater habitat. Subdued lighting is ideal, as it highlights their colors while creating a calm environment.

  • Behavior:
    Green Neon Tetras are peaceful, schooling fish that thrive in groups of 8 or more. They are active swimmers, occupying the middle levels of the tank. When kept in a well-planted and stress-free environment, their vibrant colors and natural behaviors become more prominent.

  • Tank Mates:
    Compatible with other small, peaceful species such as Ember Tetras, Harlequin Rasboras, and Pygmy Corydoras. Shrimp species like Amano and Cherry Shrimp also make excellent tank mates. Avoid housing them with larger, aggressive fish or fast-moving species that may outcompete them for food or cause stress.

Care Tips:

Maintain pristine water conditions with regular partial water changes and a stable environment to support their delicate nature. Mimic their natural habitat by adding tannins from driftwood or Indian almond leaves, which help recreate the slightly acidic blackwater conditions they prefer. Keep them in groups of 8 or more to reduce stress and encourage their schooling behavior. Providing plenty of plants and shaded areas fosters a sense of security.

The Green Neon Tetra is a dazzling and peaceful addition to any aquarium, captivating aquarists with its iridescent hues and harmonious schooling behavior. Perfect for nano and planted tanks, this species offers a mesmerizing display of color and activity, making it a favorite among both novice and experienced fishkeepers.



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