Tourmaline BC is composed of fine bamboo charcoal and tourmaline, which help absorb organic pollutant substances to improve the substrate environment. During set-up, it should be added sparingly to the...
This substrate additive is composed of activated carbon and organic acid. Clear Super encourages the development of microorganisms. Adding the additive to the base substrate facilitates the microorganism growth and...
Transform your aquarium into a stunning scape with Heaven Sand, a high-contrast cosmetic sand that brightens up any scape. This bright white natural sand with a natural blend of pale...
Create a natural-looking riverbed in your aquarium or terrarium with Elderly Gravel. This soft and smooth-textured river gravel ranges from warm grey to brownish and dark tones. The gravel is...
This Colorado Sand is the natural choice for aquariums and WABI-KUSA with its unique reddish hue. Beneficial for general use, this sand can also serve as a decorative topping for...
Create a natural and warm ambiance in your aquascape or nano tank with Belladonna Gravel. This earthy-colored gravel comes in three different size mixes and is perfect for combining with...
Ibon Riverbed is inspired by the ibons of Pyrenees, in Spain and France, and features a mix of light sand and dark gravels and pebbles to create a high contrast...