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Rasbora borapentensis - Redtail Rasbora
  • SKU: 2RRB000L
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Rasbora borapentensis - Redtail Rasbora

R 34.00 R 40.00
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Rasbora borapentensis - Redtail Rasbora

The Redtail Rasbora (Rasbora borapentensis) is a captivating and vibrant freshwater fish native to the clear, slow-moving streams and rivers of Southeast Asia, particularly found in parts of Malaysia and Borneo. Known for its striking red coloration on the tail and sleek body, this species adds a touch of beauty and energy to any aquarium.


  • Native to: Southeast Asia, specifically Malaysia and Borneo.
  • Habitat: Typically found in slow-moving streams, rivers, and clear forested waters.


  • The Redtail Rasbora is a small, peaceful fish with a slender body and distinctive deep red coloration on its tail. The rest of its body is a translucent silver with a slight golden hue, making it a shimmering addition to community tanks.


  • Diet: Omnivorous.
  • In their natural habitat, Redtail Rasboras feed on a variety of small invertebrates, plankton, and plant matter. In the aquarium, they thrive on a varied diet of high-quality flake food, micro-pellets, and live or frozen foods such as daphnia, brine shrimp, and bloodworms.
  • It is recommended to offer them a mix of plant-based and protein-rich foods to keep them healthy and vibrant.

Water Conditions:

  • Temperature: 72°F - 78°F (22°C - 26°C).
  • pH: 6.0 - 7.5 (Slightly acidic to neutral).
  • Hardness: 4-12 dGH (soft to moderately hard).
  • Water type: Prefers clean, slightly acidic to neutral water with good oxygenation. It thrives in well-maintained tanks with regular water changes.
  • Filtration: Moderate filtration is recommended to maintain water clarity and quality, as they prefer well-oxygenated waters.

Tank Setup:

  • Tank Size: A minimum of 20 gallons is recommended for a small school of Redtail Rasboras. They are a schooling species, so they should be kept in groups of at least 6 to encourage natural schooling behavior.
  • Substrate: A fine gravel or soft sand substrate is ideal for this species, as they naturally inhabit areas with such ground types.
  • Plants and Decorations: Provide ample plant cover, particularly low-growing plants like java moss or anubias. Driftwood and rocks also make great additions to mimic their natural habitat and provide hiding spots.

Tank Mates:

  • The Redtail Rasbora is a peaceful, social fish that does well in a community aquarium with other small, non-aggressive fish.
  • Ideal tank mates: Other peaceful species such as Tetras, Gouramis, Corydoras, and small livebearers. They can also coexist with other Rasboras and non-aggressive shrimp species.
  • Avoid: Larger, aggressive fish that may see them as prey or harass them.


  • Peaceful and active, the Redtail Rasbora is a perfect addition to a community tank. It is a schooling fish that feels safest and behaves most naturally in groups, and will often swim together in tight formations.


  • Breeding the Redtail Rasbora in captivity can be accomplished with proper care, though it is considered a somewhat challenging process for novice aquarists. It requires stable water conditions, a breeding pair, and proper nutrition to encourage spawning.



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