Nymphaea lotus, a tropical waterlily species, is widespread in Africa. Imported as Nymphaea zenkeri and Tiger lotus from West Africa for a long time, it is the most popular waterlily...
Microsorum pteropus or Java fern is from Asia. Microsorum pteropus ‘Trident’ is a narrow-leaved, smaller form of Microsorum, which like other Microsorum is an easy and safe plant. ’Trident’ is...
Microsorum pteropus 'Windeløv' is a patented variety of Microsorum pteropus, named after Tropica's founder Holger Windeløv. Its finely branched leaf tips make it one of the most beautiful aquarium plants....
Proserpinaca palustris 'Cuba' is a very decorative variant of the Mermaid weed that was found on the Isla de Juventud (Cuba). North American plants of the species were already grown...
Microsorum pteropus is a water fern from Asia, 15-30 cm tall. To be grown on a root or stone, attached with fishing line until it has gained a hold. If...
Crypt lucens is a less common type of crypt that can serve as an ideal foreground or midground plant. The slender leaves are bright green with brown stems and when...
Juncus repens originates from swampy areas of south-east North America. This grasslike plant is rather undemanding in cultivation. It grows stems. Under unhindered light and with a good dose of...
This pretty, small corkscrew Vallisneria is labeled by several water plant nurseries as "Vallisneria torta". It is probably Vallisneria asiatica var. biwaensis, but as long as its identity is unclear,...
The Copper Leaf Ammannia is native to tropical Africa, as well as many other Ammannia species. It occurs in various wet places. As an amphibious plant, it is able to...