ackground: The Celestial Pearl Danio, Danio margaritatus, is a breathtakingly beautiful freshwater fish discovered in small ponds and streams in Myanmar. Its shimmering body is adorned with pearl-like spots, while...
Background: Gertrude’s Spotted Blue Eye Rainbowfish, Pseudomugil gertrudae, is a small and striking freshwater fish native to the slow-moving, heavily vegetated waters of Papua New Guinea and northern Australia. This...
Background: The Pygmy Corydoras, Corydoras pygmaeus, is a delightful and diminutive freshwater catfish native to the slow-moving rivers and streams of South America, particularly in Brazil and Ecuador. This species...
Background: The Cardinal Tetra, Paracheirodon axelrodi, is a stunning freshwater fish native to the blackwater rivers of the Amazon Basin, particularly in Brazil, Colombia, and Venezuela. It is prized for...
Background: The Golden Otocinclus, Macrotocinclus affinis, is a small and peaceful freshwater fish known for its algae-eating abilities and understated beauty. Native to the slow-moving rivers and streams of South...