This red version of Cryptocoryne undulata grows wild in rivers of Sri Lanka. It is an easy plant, tolerant of very different conditions in an aquarium. Appearance of the plant...
Epic Aquatics - Limnophila Aromatica Limnophila aromatica can be found growing in swampy or boggy soil in its native region of southeastern Asia. Light is the most important aspect of...
Marsilea hirsuta is a carpet-plant from Australia. A fascinating plant, usually delivered with leaves like a four-leaf clover. After a transitional period it develops different types of leaves, possibly a...
Hygrophila difformis from Asia is beautiful and undemanding. Stems becomes 20-30 cm tall and 6-12 cm wide. A plant for beginners which can help create a balance in the aquarium...
This fast-growing and hardy species of Rotala hails from Sri Lanka (former Ceylon,) where it grows in shallow water with plenty of light. It is a stem plant, with 6...
Ludwigia repens is one of the easiest red plants to grow in the aquarium, being able to grow in even lower light conditions. It also makes an excellent candidate for...
Hemianthus micranthemoides, also known as Baby Tears or Pearl grass is a nice plant that works well as a foreground plant for large aquariums or a midground plant for small...
Rotala H'ra is a captivating stem plant appreciated for its vibrant reddish-orange hues, which add a striking contrast to aquascapes. Native to Vietnam, it is often used in nature-style aquariums to...
Cryptocoryne wendtii is one of the most popular, and widely available aquatic plants in the aquascaping hobby. It has several color variations, and it can be found in green, red,...