Micranthemum 'Monte Carlo' comes from Argentina. It has compact, round and fresh light green leaves on creeping stalks and creates a fast-growing carpet in the front of the aquarium. The...
Referred to in the hobby as Hydroctyle sp Japan, its true name is Hydrocotyle Tripartita and it originates from South East Asia. The leaves are small and present a brilliant...
Aquarium fishnets are a reliable and safe way to scoop up and move your finned pets. The soft mesh on this fishnet can assist you whenever you need to clean...
Sponge filters are an extremely cost-effective yet efficient method for filtering a planted aquarium. Comprised of simple parts, the Qanvee Sponge Filter works perfectly with an aquarium air pump to prompt...
Small pellets designed specifically for smaller-mouth fishes, providing them superior nutrition with excellent digestibility. The micro-coating maintains nutrient integrity while the nutrition packed pellets offer outstanding value compared to flakes.
A low-growing carpeting plant that forms runners close to the parent plant. It is prettiest planted in small bunches quite close to each other, which will gradually form a solid...
Amazon sword is a common name for multiple plant species in the Echinodorus genus, like Echinodorus bleheri and Echinodorus amazonicus. These lush, green rosette plants are among the most popular...