Background: The Glowlight Rasbora, scientifically known as Trigonostigma hengeli, is a small and elegant freshwater fish native to the slow-moving streams and peat swamps of Southeast Asia, particularly in Indonesia,...
Iriatherina werneri (Threadfin Rainbowfish) Background: The Threadfin Rainbowfish, Iriatherina werneri, is a delicate and exquisitely beautiful freshwater species native to the slow-moving rivers and swamps of New Guinea and northern...
Background: The Borneo Sucker, Pseudogastromyzon myersi, is a fascinating freshwater fish native to the fast-flowing streams and rivers of Borneo and surrounding regions in Southeast Asia. Known for its unique...
Celestichthys erythromicron (Emerald Dwarf Rasbora) Background: Celestichthys erythromicron, commonly known as the Emerald Dwarf Rasbora, is a striking nano fish native to the freshwater lakes of Myanmar, particularly Lake Inle....
Background: The Sterbai Corydoras, Corydoras sterbai, is a popular freshwater catfish species hailing from the rivers and floodplains of the Amazon Basin in South America, particularly in Bolivia and Brazil....
Brighten Your Aquarium with the Stunning Celebes Rainbowfish Introduce the captivating Marosatherina ladigesi, commonly known as the Celebes Rainbowfish, to your aquarium. Belonging to the family Melanotaeniidae, these vibrant and...
Hasemania nana (Silver Tip Tetra) Overview: The Hasemania nana, commonly known as the Silver Tip Tetra, is a vibrant and energetic freshwater fish that brings a burst of color and...
Boraras maculatus (Spotted Dwarf Rasbora) The Spotted Dwarf Rasbora (Boraras maculatus) is a charming, small species perfect for nano aquariums. Known for their vibrant red-orange bodies with dark spots, these...