Background: The Borneo Sucker, Pseudogastromyzon myersi, is a fascinating freshwater fish native to the fast-flowing streams and rivers of Borneo and surrounding regions in Southeast Asia. Known for its unique...
Background: The Glowlight Danio, Danio choprae, is a dazzling freshwater fish native to the fast-moving streams of Myanmar. It is named for its vibrant, flame-like orange and golden stripes, which...
Background: The Forktail Rainbowfish, Pseudomugil furcatus, is a small, brilliantly colored freshwater fish native to fast-flowing streams and rivers in Papua New Guinea. Its slender, golden body is adorned with...
Brighten Your Aquarium with the Stunning Celebes Rainbowfish Introduce the captivating Marosatherina ladigesi, commonly known as the Celebes Rainbowfish, to your aquarium. Belonging to the family Melanotaeniidae, these vibrant and...
Boehlkea fredcochui (Blue King Tetra) Background: Boehlkea fredcochui, commonly known as the Blue King Tetra or Cochu's Blue Tetra, is a captivating freshwater species native to the Amazon Basin, specifically...
Boraras maculatus (Spotted Dwarf Rasbora) The Spotted Dwarf Rasbora (Boraras maculatus) is a charming, small species perfect for nano aquariums. Known for their vibrant red-orange bodies with dark spots, these...
Background: The Blue Perch, Badis badis, is a striking freshwater fish native to the slow-moving rivers, ponds, and rice paddies of South Asia, particularly in India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. This...
The harlequin rasbora has a beautiful metallic colour and it is easy to care for. The harlequin rasbora is a shoaling fish; it should be kept in schools of at least...
Phenacogrammus interrupti, or Congo Tetra, originate from West Africa and can grow up to 3-4 cm, with males possessing more vivid colors and longer fins than females. They can cohabit...