The Glowlight Danio, scientifically named Danio choprae, is a vibrant and captivating fish species native to Myanmar. Renowned for its striking appearance and peaceful demeanor, it is a popular choice...
Boehlkea fredcochui (Blue King Tetra), more commonly known as Cochu's Blue Tetra, is native to the Amazon Basin. Found in Colombia and Brazil, it is a small species of tetra...
Introducing the Stunning Phoenix Rasbora (Boraras Merah)! Looking to add a touch of beauty and serenity to your nano aquarium? Meet the Phoenix Rasbora - a tiny fish with a...
Boraras maculatus (Spotted Dwarf Rasbora) The Spotted Dwarf Rasbora (Boraras maculatus) is a charming, small species perfect for nano aquariums. Known for their vibrant red-orange bodies with dark spots, these...
The harlequin rasbora has a beautiful metallic colour and it is easy to care for. The harlequin rasbora is a shoaling fish; it should be kept in schools of at least...
Badis badis – The Blue Perch Description:The Badidae Badis, commonly known as the Blue Perch or Dwarf Badis, is a small, colorful freshwater fish with an intriguing blend of reds,...
Phenacogrammus interrupti, or Congo Tetra, originate from West Africa and can grow up to 3-4 cm, with males possessing more vivid colors and longer fins than females. They can cohabit...