The smarter way to treat algae.Especially effective for BBA, hair/string/fuzz and most forms of filamentous algae.Gently biodegrades completely. Spot-dose up to 1ml per 10L every 24 hours. Our signature Standard...
ADA Staurogyne repens Tissue Culture (Small Cup) is a robust and versatile aquarium plant that is perfect for creating lush green carpets or compact foreground bushes. Known for its bright...
This moss is delivered as a novelty from ADA. Callicostella prabaktiana is widespread in Southeast Asia where it occurs in moist to wet habitats, i.a. on stream edges. It is...
High-pressure +100psi resistance CO2 check valve. With the incredibly low opening cracking pressure of 1 psi ! Permits flow of CO2 in one direction only, protecting your system from water backflow...
ADA Eleocharis acicularis 'Mini' (commonly labeled as Eleocharis parvula) is a popular carpeting plant in the aquascaping world, known for its fine, grass-like leaves and low-growing nature. This plant is...
Flourish Potassium™ Potassium supplement for the planted aquarium Highly concentrated (50,000 mg/L) Does not contain phosphate or nitrate making it ideal for use with Flourish Nitrogen and Flourish Phosphorus Overview...
Iron is immobile in plants. This means that plants cannot divert iron from older leaves to new ones. Therefore, deficiency symptoms appear first on new or young leaves. Because plants...
Rotala sp. ‘Green’ is very similar to Rotala rotundifolia, but its leaves remain fresh and bright green, even with intensive light. Stems become 40-50 cm long and 2-3 cm wide....