API® ACCU-CLEAR water clarifier quickly clarifies cloudy water in your aquarium, eliminating haze to make your water crystal clear. API ACCU-CLEAR water clarifier clumps tiny floating particles together, forming large...
API® AMMO LOCK ammonia detoxifier is proven to convert poisonous ammonia into a non-toxic form. AMMO LOCK ammonia detoxifier works instantly in both fresh and saltwater aquariums, removing ammonia, chlorine,...
The API® AMMONIA TEST KIT measures ammonia to help prevent fish loss, as ammonia is the number one stressor and killer of tropical fish. Ammonia is released into an aquarium...
The API® FRESHWATER MASTER TEST KIT measures the 4 most important levels in freshwater aquariums quickly and accurately, including pH, high range pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. With scientific accuracy...
When keeping freshwater fish and plants, the general hardness (GH) and carbonate hardness (KH) of aquarium water should match their natural habitat. The API® GH & KH TEST KIT helps...
PI® LEAF ZONE plant fertilizer contains iron & potassium for colorful leaves and a vibrant planted aquarium. The product is formulated for rapid absorption through plant leaves and works to...
High nitrate levels in your aquarium indicate a build-up of fish waste and organic compounds, resulting in poor water quality and an increase in algae growth. Contrarily, maintaining a low...
Nitrite is produced in the aquarium in the form of fish waste, uneaten food, and nitrifying bacteria in your aquarium’s natural cycle as it breaks down ammonia. Low levels of...
PHOSPHATE TEST KIT Phosphate can enter your aquarium through tap water, fish waste, and decaying organics such as uneaten food and dead algae. Excess phosphate contributes to unsightly algae and...