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Corydoras Trilineatus (Three Stripe Corydoras)
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  • SKU: 12606
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Corydoras Trilineatus (Three Stripe Corydoras)

R 93.50 R 115.00
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The Three Stripe Corydoras, Corydoras trilineatus, is a charming freshwater catfish native to the slow-moving rivers and floodplains of South America, particularly in the Amazon basin. This small, bottom-dwelling species is named for its intricate pattern of horizontal stripes running along its body, often mistaken for the closely related Corydoras julii. Known for their active foraging behavior and peaceful temperament, these fish are excellent additions to community aquariums. Reaching a size of about 5–6 cm, they are also called Leopard Cory or False Julii Cory due to their spotted and striped markings.

Care Requirements:

  • Water Parameters:

    • Temperature: 22–28°C
    • pH: 6.0–7.8
    • Hardness: 2–15 dGH
  • Diet:
    Three Stripe Corydoras are omnivorous scavengers. Provide a diet of sinking pellets, wafers, and occasional treats like frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, or finely chopped vegetables. Their foraging nature benefits from small, frequent feedings spread throughout the day.

  • Tank Setup:
    A minimum tank size of 70 liters is recommended for a group of at least 5–6 individuals, as they are highly social. Use a soft sand substrate to protect their sensitive barbels while they forage. Include live plants, driftwood, and smooth stones to mimic their natural environment and offer hiding spots. Maintain good water quality with gentle filtration and moderate lighting. Adding leaf litter can help replicate the tannin-rich waters they are accustomed to.

  • Behavior:
    Corydoras trilineatus are peaceful, bottom-dwelling fish that thrive in groups of their own kind. They are active during the day and often seen sifting through the substrate for food. Their playful interactions and synchronized movements make them a delight to observe.

  • Tank Mates:
    Compatible with small, peaceful fish such as Neon Tetras, Harlequin Rasboras, and Dwarf Gouramis. Avoid housing them with aggressive or overly boisterous species that may outcompete them for food or cause stress.

Care Tips:

Ensure a fine, smooth substrate to protect their delicate barbels, as rough gravel can lead to injuries and infections. Perform regular water changes to maintain excellent water quality and prevent the buildup of waste in the substrate. Keep them in groups of 5 or more to promote natural behaviors and reduce stress. Offering a varied diet ensures they receive all necessary nutrients.

The Three Stripe Corydoras is a delightful and low-maintenance species perfect for aquarists of all levels. Their peaceful nature, active foraging behavior, and compatibility with a wide range of tank mates make them an excellent choice for enhancing the activity and biodiversity of a freshwater aquarium.



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