Microdevario kubotai (Kubotai Rasbora) Overview: The Microdevario kubotai, commonly known as the Kubotai Rasbora or Neon Green Rasbora, is a captivating freshwater fish that brings a splash of neon green...
DESCRIPTION:The Green Neon Tetra is a beautiful, peaceful species that is best maintained in groups of 6 or more fish in a softwater aquarium. Tankmates, if desired, should consist of...
Phenacogrammus interrupti, or Congo Tetra, originate from West Africa and can grow up to 3-4 cm, with males possessing more vivid colors and longer fins than females. They can cohabit...
RECOMMENDED TANK PARAMETERS: Temperature: 23° - 26° C pH: 6.5 - 7.0 KH: 4 – 15 dKH Minimum tank size: 75 Liters CARE GUIDELINES: Diet: Carnivorous. A variety of high-quality...
Prionobrama filigera (Glass Bloodfin Tetra) Overview: The Prionobrama filigera, commonly known as the Glass Bloodfin Tetra, is a striking freshwater fish that adds elegance and vibrancy to any aquarium. Known...
DESCRIPTION: Paska's blue-eye is a species of fish in the subfamily Pseudomugilinae. It is found in the Fly River system in Papua New Guinea. This species reaches a length of...